Global Firewalking Association
Newsletter - March 2022
Hello, Equinox!

Today marks the first equinox of the year, when the day and night are equal. This is a time to honor balance and to notice the shift in seasons. Those of us in the northern hemisphere are turning towards summer; those of us in the southern hemisphere are turning towards winter. Wherever you are in the cycle of the year, may you be blessed with the fire of inspiration and healing.

News from the fireside


Feeling unprepared, my mind racing. All those unhelpful and negative thoughts running wild in my head, I stood before the fire, before suddenly finding a quietening of the mind and then a rush of purpose and intention. At that moment, I stepped onto the red hot coals, took five or six momentous steps and changed my life forever.

It was March 14th 1992, and inspired over 3 years earlier to find and take part in a firewalk somewhere, but struggling to find an instructor, me and a group of business owners finally found someone who would do it:  A student of Tolly Burkan and Peggy Dylan and a former employee of Tony Robbins, Shaun James-Browne was our instructor and the first ever Western style firewalk in the UK had just taken place.

I was transformed.  Due to circumstances around the fire, my preparation was messy. I was distracted. They had just put on fresh coals! But six steps later and the change amid the confusion within my mind was clear.

That event night, which of all the places in the world, took place in my home town in the UK, just 2 miles from world renowned Manchester United’s football ground, would cement my affinity with the element of fire forever.

Three years later I would be appearing on our national news presenting my own event and 27 years later I now run my own purpose-built Firewalking School and enjoy the company of new students from all over the world and serve firewalking searchers through our growing professional body, The Global Firewalking Association.

It’s been a journey and although thirty years sounds like a long time, every time I see people react as I did, I’m transported back in time and celebrating with them the awesome possibilities you and I can achieve in our lives if we just believe in ourselves, raise our energy and put our best foot forward.

~ Steve Consalvez, GFA Board member


Every year on first Saturday in April people all over the world celebrate firewalking is all its many forms. ❤ We warmly invite you to post about your events anywhere in the world. As we are able to gather live again we hope to bring together hundreds of people every year around the world to unite in a celebration of over coming fear and transformational person growth!

Do you have a story to share about your first firewalk or how firewalking has impacted you? Share your story on our International Firewalk Day Event Page.

Why we love them!

The third Wednesday of each month our Associate Firewalk Instructor and Professional Firewalk Instructors members (Tier 2 and 3) are invited to join our monthly Firewalk Instructor Gathering. This intimate circle is specifically for Firewalk Instructors. This month our mentor is Barry Collins who will share how Global Firewalking Association members (Associate or Professional) can add their profiles and events to the GFA website. If you are not a member make sure to upgrade to Tier 2 (Associate Firewalk Instructor) or Tier 3 below. (Professional Firewalk Instructor).


Firewalk Instructor Circles are the third Wednesday of each month.

March 23rd with Barry Collins
April 20th with Steve Consalvez
May 18th speaker TBA

11 am to 12 pm Los Angeles (PT)
2 pm to 3 pm New York (ET)
7 pm to 8 pm London (BT)

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VIDEOS! Did you know that we have videos on the Global Firewalking Association page for every level of membership? Sign in and go to Members: Videos (under Library) to access specific videos for Firewalkers, Associate Firewalk Instructors, and Professional Firewalk Instructors. Here is a powerful 16-minute video from GFA President Peggy Dylan about a program for young people to create healing after the Bosnia war.
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We just changed our membership names to make our different tiers easier to understand: Firewalker, Associate Firewalking Instructor, and Professional Firewalking Instructor.

Firewalkers: For all people who love Firewalking; anyone can join for free.

Associate Firewalking Instructors: For certified Firewalk Instructors and Masters (including fire tenders).

Professional Firewalking Instructors: At our highest level, Professional members are certified Firewalking Instructors and Masters who are leading their own events. Professional members get access to our largest array of articles, support and marketing.

We still have special rates for our Associate and Professional members, so if you want to upgrade now is a great time.

This is just the beginning; now that our foundation is laid we will bring more energy and resources to fire up your life, your teachings, and your vision. Imagine what we can do together, connected by our love of the fire.

The Global Firewalking Association is a not-for-profit membership organization that serves professional firewalk instructors and firewalking enthusiasts.

The GFA aims to serve its members by being a source for the millions of people who have become interested in firewalking over the last five decades.  Apart from creating the biggest knowledge bank on firewalking, providing an opportunity for its active members to reach millions, and offering live and online teaching events, the GFA also uses its shared purchasing power for insurance and other services.

Thanks for being a member, and stay tuned for more!

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